1) The problem → I have a project where some member data needs to be displayed publicly. However, because I can't access more than one member's data via Memberstack directly I have to sync this data with another tool via webhooks, zapier, etc. My usecase requires some member data to be accessible to anyone, and some data requires permission granted via a membership plan. Each member will have their own page with just their data, and some pages will have lists of multiple members who's data meets certain conditions and may be sorted.
2) Why is this important → My use case depends on it, and I have to find a million work arounds to make it happen. Managing images is particularly problematic.
3) What will happen if this goes unsolved → I'll need to keep using third party tools to sync my data. Or I'll try again with a custom app or another tool.
4) Possible solutions → Make it possible to flag some member data types as "public" so it's accessible in the front-end. This would allow builders to render whatever UI they need in the front-end. Create attributes and methods for populating filtered/conditional data to a list.