More design control (customize, configure, etc.)
Duncan Hamra
1) The problem → Your Ui's are okay, but they don't match the overall look and feel of my site. Colors, fonts, spacing, shadow, borders, etc.
The wording is a bit off. For example, we don't use "Memberships" or "Members."
There are some features I just don't need like the "Membership" tab in the profile.
2) Why is this important → These UI's are important to the user experience of my app.
3) Plan B → Override the colors, copy, and features using hacky CSS. Which, is going to break as soon as you update your code.
4) Possible solutions → Build these configurations right into the dashboard so I can make changes that won't randomly break one day.
Duncan Hamra
Released as part of Memberstack 2.0. It's now possible to build any UI (other than the Stripe checkout and the Stripe billing portal) using Webflow.
QOG Admin
Another problem: Translation, although can be overridden by JavaScript, doesn't cover all cases. Sometimes user can still see the default English text which is very confusing.
Naitik Mehta
QOG Admin: We have a possible solution for that already — does this help? Translate Memberstack
QOG Admin
Naitik Mehta: This is what I meant by "although can be overridden by JavaScript". The JavaScript code in that article covers most translations, but not all of them. In some corner cases, there's no translation.🥲
Califrench undefined
Would be great!!!
Duncan Hamra
Califrench undefined: Is there anything, in particular, you've wanted to change/control in the past?
Kamel Bentot undefined
Duncan Hamra: Hi and sorry for the late reply! Yes, I wish I could set up the "reset password" option the same way we can set up Signup and Login with input field and action from a form in Webflow. So I can control the design and match it with the rest of my website/experience. Also would be great to have control of the email that is sent to reset the password? Thanks again for the hard work!
Duncan Hamra
Kamel Bentot undefined: Love it! Makes total sense. Thanks for explaining.
Dan Debnam
I completely agree! Would love to see this implemented
Duncan Hamra
under review