More redirect control on signup, login, upgrade, etc.
Duncan Hamra
1) The problem → I'm teasing features that are only available to paying members. If a free member decides to upgrade to get access to a feature, I want them to stay on the page after upgrade (or go back to the page they were on before entering the upgrade flow).
2) Why is this important → It's critical to the UX of my site. Dropping someone on a generic welcome page after upgrading doesn't make sense given my use case (it might for someone else, but not for me).
3) What's your plan B → Write some custom code to override this behavior. I wanted to use the Redirect after signup or login power-up, but that only works for static websites and on sign up.
4) Possible solutions we could build for you → Give me a way to "remember" the current URL and return the person to that page after they upgrade. Maybe with a data attribute, snippet of code, or a list of URLs in the dashboard.
Marien Giraud
Hello everyone,
Any news about this feature? It would be essential for my application.
Take care!
Duncan Hamra
Feedback and ideas welcome! Planned for the very end of October.
David Richardson
One strategy I'm working on is to set two cookies - 1) the memberID and 2) the attributes. It's been kinda tricky with latency, loading Memberstack member attributes. So I wrote some code with an event listener that set the cookies when the USER interacted with the page (mouseover). The memberstack attributes are in hidden fields initially. By the time the user interacts with the page the attributes have been loaded for sure. In subsequent pages I use the cookies in API calls where I need the memberID to get data relevant to the user - for CRUD operations.
Once the cookies are set on the user machine, the latency issue goes away. The attribute can be used to set a visibility attribute (CSS) on buttons so the appropriate button and redirect URL is active when the user clicks it.
Duncan Hamra
Proposed solution:
Add a parameter to a link or attribute to override the redirect.
This is something that is also critical to the UX of my site. I would love to see this feature added.
Parham Shafti
Hi Duncan Hamra! Is this type of redirect something Memberstack can do or is it still in the pipeline? It's kind of a dealbreaker for us who are evaluating your solution.
Duncan Hamra
Parham Shafti: Hi Parham, it's still in the pipeline.
Duncan Hamra
Merged in a post:
User logs in without "refreshing" / "redirected"
1) The problem → As a admin I need to allow users to remain on page from which they came after login.
2) Why is this important → This will make it seem like locked content is auto-magically revealed upon login event.
3) What's your plan B →
4) Possible solutions we could build for you →