OAuth: Custom Integrations
Duncan Hamra
1) The problem → I want to create my own custom OAuth integration, but there's only an option to add Circle. (What is it: OAuth uses authorization tokens to prove an identity between members and web applications. OAuth is an authentication protocol that allows you to approve one application interacting with another on your behalf without giving away your password.)
2) Why is this important → I want my members to be able to log into my web application or a 3rd party application with their Memberstack credentials.
3) What's your plan B → ?
4) Possible solutions we could build for you → Make it possible to add custom OAuth integrations that aren't with Cricle.
YouTube OAuth would be great too!
Duncan Hamra
This is complete at part of Memberstack 2.0.
Naitik Mehta
Merged in a post:
Pull user data from a 3rd party API
Duncan Hamra
1) The problem → My users all have their own Spotify accounts. I don't want them to have to enter this data again.
2) Why is this important → This data will help my members do X, help me as a business do Y, and Z.
3) What's your plan B → Build a completely custom system for pulling data from a member's Spotify account and updating it when they login/authenticate.
4) Possible solutions we could build for you → An easy way to pull data from any 3rd party API or OAuth service. A Spotify Oauth integration.
Naitik Mehta
under review
Hey folks! We've re-engineered Memberstack's backend with 2.0 to enable us to explore things like OAuth. Currently, our first step to get there is the Memberstack 2.0 launch. We'll keep you posted here 🙏
Thomas Bouchard
is there any news on this ?
Duncan Hamra
Merged in a post:
OAuth 2.0
Duncan Hamra
Please answer the following Q's in a comment so we can effectively plan/prioritize this feature.
1) What problem are you trying to solve →
2) Why is this important →
3) What's your plan B →
4) Possible solutions we could build for you →
Duncan Hamra
Jake Caggige: Does this sum things up well? Could you help me fill in the X, Y, and Z under part 2?
Karl Gilmore
This would be great, Google, Apple, OAuth sign in would fantastic!
Ibrahim Islam
Completely agreed. This is frustrating for me because I can't transfer the credentials over to any other platforms easily so we should at least be able to connect the credentials to something else. For me specifically, I want adalo external users feature to work with this. That way they can work or mobile apps too