Redirect After Password Reset
Matthew Palmer
1) The problem → Users have been imported from another platform, and I need a way to redirect them after they change their password. Currently, the password pop-up just closes.
2) Why is this important → It's bad for user experience to perform an action with no clear result or redirect after they have performed an action as important as resetting their password.
3) What's your plan B → N/A
4) Possible solutions we could build for you → An event listener that redirects a user either back to the website homepage or a specified page listed in the customer's Dashboard.
Duncan Hamra
This is now possible as part of Memberstack 2.0. If you create a custom password reset form, you have total control over the success redirect.
Duncan Hamra
under review
Duncan Hamra
in progress
Ready as part of Memberstack 2.0 🎉
Requires using our new custom password reset flow functionality. Using forms in Webflow, you have 100% control over where the customer is redirected after their password is reset.
Will update again once 2.0 is generally available.
Duncan Hamra
Naitik Mehta
under review
Duncan Hamra
Share an example of what's happening. Hopefully we can auto-login after resetting the password... or automatically log them in when they get the code → then let them change their password once they are logged in.