1) The problem → I'm teasing features that are only available to paying members. If a free member decides to upgrade to get access to a feature, I want them to stay on the page after upgrade (or go back to the page they were on before entering the upgrade flow).
2) Why is this important → It's critical to the UX of my site. Dropping someone on a generic welcome page after upgrading doesn't make sense given my use case (it might for someone else, but not for me).
3) What's your plan B → Write some custom code to override this behavior. I wanted to use the Redirect after signup or login power-up, but that only works for static websites and on sign up.
4) Possible solutions we could build for you → Give me a way to "remember" the current URL and return the person to that page after they upgrade. Maybe with a data attribute, snippet of code, or a list of URLs in the dashboard.