Specifically restrict or allow certain email domains
Tyler Bell
1) The problem → Members are signing up with throwaway emails like yopmail, etc.
2) Why is this important → I want all of my members to have valid emails.
3) What's your plan B → Manually delete throwaway emails.
4) Possible solutions we could build for you → Memberstack could automatically block all known throwaway email domains for all customers. Or Memberstack could build a way for me to ban domains on my specific account.
keywords: Blacklist, blocked, invalid, banned, ban
Duncan Hamra
Memberstack 2.0 now automatically blocks sign ups from a massive list of throw-away emails.
Duncan Hamra: are we able to add to the list? For example, can I prevent someone with a gmail account from signing up?
Duncan Hamra
Duncan Hamra
Merged in a post:
Exclude signups and Block Signups
MS Bot
I would like an option to exclude signups from certain domains?
I've seen people use this feature in other tools to exclude signups from disposable emails (exclude junk signups)
Naitik Mehta
Merged in a post:
Preventing people creating accounts with certain domains e.g. gmail / hotmail
Sam Broadey
(1) I want to prevent people from creating accounts with @gmail / @hotmail etc.
(2) We're a B2B company and want to get leads, important to know who people are
(3) Ask for company as another field
(4) Let me block (rule-out) certain domains, as opposed to what you currently have right now which is to rule-in certain domains
Naitik Mehta
under review
Sam Ross-Gower
It would be useful if the subscription form could have an error message letting people who try to use blacklisted domains know that they are blocked.