1) The problem → My memberships have a 7-day free trial by default and so if I want to offer a coupon for any reason, I have to ask members to reply with their email so I can manually apply a coupon in Stripe.
2) Why is this important → This takes a good amount of time and I also worry lowers the amount of people who will respond because they have to take the time to reply to an email in order to take advantage of it. I'd love to be able to create multiple coupons and sling them around for special offers with marketing I'm doing, but I have to send everyone to my inbox essentially.
3) What's your plan B → Turn off free trial and just go with coupons.
4) Possible solutions we could build for you → (1) Ability for users to apply a coupon in addition to their free/paid trial, (2) ability to generate links that automatically apply a coupon at checkout, (3) endpoint that allows for a Zap to apply to a coupon in Stripe?